Friday, December 8, 2006

89,4 persen email adalah SPAM

SPAM Merajalela !

Saya sendiri juga tidak terhindar dari serangan SPAM tersebut,
juga rekan saya Priyadi , konon juga sangat di risaukan oleh gangguan
spam ini. Sebenarnya Serangan ini tertinggi adalah di Israel,disusul Amerika
Serikat, dan Hongkong.

"Spam umumnya adalah aktivitas antar negara, jadi adanya koordinasi yg
erat antar negara bisa menjadi cara yg efektif untuk menghentikan spam.
Kerugian akibat Spam di Eropa mencapai 30 Juta Euros, dan dampak
malicious software mencapai 11 Juta Euros per tahun." ( S Roestam)


89.4 percent of all e-mails are spam

According to a MessageLabs study, the global spam level was in
November 89.4 percent of all e-mails, a rise of 1.1 percent compared to
last month and the highest amount since the beginning of 2005. Mainly
employees of small companies are being spammed.

Monthly they receive nearly twice as much spam messages per user than
medium-sized companies, and 60 percent more virus traffic per user than
large companies. Because their ICT means and budgets are limited and
they have no thorough security experience available, smaller companies
are more likely to become 'preys' of cyber criminals, says MessageLabs.

The number of phishing e-mails in the total of all e-mail threats,
like viruses and trojans, has gone up with 15.7 percent. Phishing
represents 68.8 percent of all 'evil' e-mails.

Israel remains the main target of spammers, despite a drop in the spam
activities with 4.9 percent. The United States remains second, dropp!
ing 1.8 percent, while Hong Kong climbs to the third place. The largest
increase of spam was found in Belgium, rising 6.9 percent, followed by
Switzerland (0.9 percent) and Germany (0.1 percent).

The Netherlands example in Europe concerning spam

The European Commission has recently called upon all regulating bodies
and stakeholders in Europe to give more attention to fighting spam,
spyware and other malicious software. In the announcement the EC states
that Europe still is the victim of illegal activities on the internet,
despite the European legislation which has been adopted in the meantime
to ban for example spam.

In the statement the Netherlands are named as good example. "According
to EU legislation for banning spam the Dutch authorities have succeeded
to force back the amount of spam coming from the Netherlands with 85%.
I would like to see other countries book similar results thanks to a
more efficient preserving policy", said Vivian Reding, European
Commissioner for the Information Society.

According to estimates 54-85% of all e-mail traffic are spam e-mails.
The costs were estimated at 30 billion Euros in 2005. Malicious
software costs approximat! ely 11 billion Euros each year.

The European Commission statement can be found at:

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