Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Melihat Operasi Otak di Shanghai

Dari: Sobron Aidit

Ketika kami masih tinggal di Tiongkok, setiap liburan musimpanas, selalu
diberi kesempatan meninjau ke berbagai daerah di Tiongkok. Lamanya satu
bulan - biasanya antara sekitar tanggal 20-an Juli sampai sekitar 20-an
Agustus, di mana cuaca udara sedang sepanas-panasnya. Selama satu bulan itu
kepada kami ditunjukkan semua kemajuan tehnik - kemajuan pembangunan
Tiongkok Sosialis dan obyek yang pantas dan sebaiknya diperlihatkan. Jadi
dalam masa satu bulan itu - kami sangat merasakan kegembiraan dan sukacita
yang dapat kami nikmati selama itu.

Salah satu obyek dari acara peninjauan kami adalah melihat Operasi Otak di
salahsatu Rumahsakit di Shanghai,- Ini terjadi pada tahun 1974. Biasanya
rombongan kami dibagi regu per-regu, sebab tidak semua yang mau meninjau
obyek yang akan diperlihatkan - boleh memilih acara yang mana yang
disukainya. Saya memilih mau melihat dan menyaksikan Operasi Otak di salah
satu RS Shanghai ini;

Rombongan kami ber-duabelas orang. Sebelum masuk kamar operasi - kami
dilminta masuk kamar ganti-pakaian buat berganti-pakaian yang serba putih
termasuk topi - yang kelihatannya semuanya bagaikan dokter atau jururawat.
Ini keharusan - sebab menjaga pasien dan ruangan agar steril-persisi.

Kami diperkenalkan dengan semua petugas yang menjadi tim operasi itu, ada
lima orang. Kalau sudah berpakaian begini - kami sudah tak mengenal
siapa-siapa lagi - semuanya hanya kelihatan matanya saja - sedangkan
mulutnyapun pakai masker. Yang akan dioperasi namanya Lao Lie ( Lao artinya
sebutan buat orang yang kita hormati atau yang sudah lebih tua dari kita).
Operasi akan segera dimulai - jadi kepada kami ditunjukkan mula pertama atau
awal persiapan terakhir dari sebuah operasi.

Operasi ini tidak menggunakan bius dengan obat-bius. Semuanya pakai
tusukjarum. Ada beberapa bagian badan Lao Lie yang ditusukjarum - dari badan
sampai kepalanya, jarumjarum seperti pancangan tiang kapal - banyak juga
kami lihat. Sesudah beberapa menit, lalu dicoba oleh diokter, terutama
bagian kepala - apakah masih terasa sakit." Lao Lie, bagaimana
rasanya...Masih ada terasa sakitnya atau sudah hilang - tak ada lagi terasa
sakitnya....? Dan Lao LIe menjawab masih sedikit lagi. Dan sesudah itu lalu
ditanya lagi - apakah masih terasa sakit. Ketika Lao Lie menjawab sudah tak
ada lagi rasa sakit dan sudah terasa kebal - barulah para dokter dan tim itu

Di bagian kepala yang akan dioperasi - ketika itu mau mengambil contoh
kangker otak dari dalam otak - sudah dibentangkan kain putih - steril. Bau
alkohol kemana-mana. Jadi di bagian kepala yang akan dibuka itu - hanya
terlihat bagian kepala segi empat - dari lobang kain yang sengaja dibikin
begitu. Dan mulailah alat mesin bor - yang akan mengebor kepala Lao Lie.
Rupanya semua sudah menguasai - akan berapa dalam pengeboran itu - ada celah
antara bagian otak dengan kulit tempurung kepala. Dan celah itu sangat
tipis. Dan para dokter sudah paham tentu. Tetapi bagi kami orang awam ini -
ngeri juga melihatnya, bayangkan kepala orang dibor!

Pengeboran ini sebanyak empat lobang. Dan dari lobang satu ke lobang lainnya
dihubungkan dengan gergaji halus yang akan menggergaji kulit tempurung otak
itu. Dan dimulailah buat memotong atau menggergaji tempurung kepala Lao Lie.
Dalam pada itu dokter selalu bercakap-cakap dengan pasien dan pasiennya Lao
Lie selalu menjawab dengan tepat - dan sadar sepenuhnya.

Dan setelah empat lobang dari kulit tempurung kepala itu dapat saling dibuka
- maka kulit tempurung kepala itu lalu dibuka dan diangkat dan lalu
diletakkan tak jauh dari kepala Lao Lie. Kami sudah melihat bagian otak itu
- agak jernih dan ada air putih kekuningan. Bentuknya seperti obor-obor di
laut - tapi dalam keadaan menyatu - harus dibuka dan dicari bagian otak yag
terserang tumor ganas itu. Nah pada bagian ini - di mana tim kedokteran
sibuk minta alat-alat penjepit - pinset - lalu lap buat steril dan
sebagainya. Dan melihat semua ini - ada teman kami yang sama-sama kami itu -
tiba-tiba saja mau jatuh - dan lalu pingsan. Dan sedikit heboh - sebab
petugas tim ada yang mengangkatnya ke ruangan lain. Rupanya teman ini -
seorang teman termuda dari kami - berusia 18 tahun.

Yang saya agak ngeri - ketika para dokter itu saling unjukkan alat-alat
pinset - pisau - gunting kecil - dan pada bayangan saya - sekiranya
alat-alat itu tiba-tiba jatuhnya ke dalam isi otak itu - maka habislah si
pasien! Sebab oper-operan alat kecil itu sangat dekat dengan lobang yang
dipenuhi isi otak si pasien. Kemungkinan ini tetap ada - demikian pikiran
saya yang sederhana ini.

Dan para dokter sudah menemukan ada gumpalan daging yang mengganggu jalannya
isi otak yang warnanya putih itu. Sangat berhati-hati dokter ketika pada
puncak operasi ini. Tetapi tetap ada tanyajawab antara dokter dengan pasien.
" Bagaimana rasanya Lao Lie..."?
"Teruskan..saya baik-baik saja.....tidak terasa sakit....teruskanlah...",
demikian kata Laio Lie,-

Dan pada akan mengakhiri pekerjaan operasi itu - dokter dan perawat medisnya
menawari Lao Lie buat makan es-krim.
"Lao Lie, boleh makan es-krim ya.....mau kan ya....",-
"Oh boleh - silahkan - saya mau saja.....dan sangat terimakasih ya...."
Ada perawat kesehatan yang menyuapi es-krim ke mulut Lao Lie.

Operasi ini makan-waktu hampir dua jam. Dan kami melihat serta
menyaksikannya secara utuh - dari awal sampai selesai. Dan itu lebih 30
tahun yang lalu.Tentu kini sudah lebih modern dan lebih canggih. Saya ingat
cerita kuno Tiongkok - bagaiman tabib Hou - dokter Hou mengoperasi pasien -
juga operasi otak di tengah pasien sedang main catur! Ternyata kebenarannya
mendekati kenyataan - walaupun yang saya baca itu setengah dongeng!

Operasi Otak hanya dengan bius tusukjarum - seakan-akan bius lokal dan
sambil makan menikmati es-krim. Kami dengar dua tiga bulan sesudah itu - Lao
Lie tetap bekerja di pabrik di mana dulu dia mulai bekerja,- Itu arinya dia
sahat dan layak buat bekerja,-


Paris,- 30 Mei 06,-

Dari: Sobron Aidit
Tanggal: May 30, 2006 1:18 PM
Judul: [sastra_tki] KISAH SERB-SERBI ( Melihat Operasi Otak di Shanghai )

Monday, May 22, 2006

Programming Language: Perlunya kelahiran Bahasa X

Saat ini telah banyak sekali bahasa permrograman, dimana kelahiran bahasa-bahasa tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhannya masing-masing. Namun tetap saja kita akan melihat advantages - disadvantages dari masing – masing bahasa. Artinya keperluan bahasa baru dimungkinkan tetap muncul ke permukaan, meramaikan khasanah pemrograman.

Ada sebuah ungkapan "Everything is object", dimana object tersebut terkadang atau sering akan dipertukarkan antar mesin / server / services. Saat ini XML telah menjadi standar de facto pertukaran data antar Server / Services. Artinya ada relasi antara Object <-> XML. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada SOAP pada komunikasi Web Service, sebagai contoh simplenya. Pada situasi yang lain juga menggunakan mekanisme Serialize – Deserialize. Menilik ke struktur hasil Serialize Object menjadi XML, akan terlihat mapping suatu Object. Pada kasus ini kita mungkin mendapati suatu variable / member, beserta Datanya.

Dari Struktur Class kita mengetahui bahwa sebenarnya Object bisa berisi Member variable [DATA] , Property , dan Method [OPERATION] . Method ini saya kira , saat ini belum ada dalam XML object hasil Serialize.

Saya melihat kemungkinan pengembangan Bahasa X untuk mengisi Method di dalam XML object ini, tentunya dengan tetap mengindahkan rule – spesifikasi XML.

Di masa mendatang XML object ini akan menjadi suatu Intelligent Agent, yang mempunyai Data dan Operasi , yang mampu bekerja sendiri, collecting data, atau pun melakukan transaksi antar Agent, maupun Agent – Manusia , sesuai dengan Priviledge yang kita berikan. Dalam kasus ini saya mengacu pada Distributed AI.

Tentunya sudah ada penelitian – penelitian ke arah ini, sedangkan saya hanya menekankan perlunya suatu Bahasa X ( XML based ) , supaya dapat bekerja pada ( di support) oleh X Platform , Intelligent Server.

Silahkan dikoreksi,

Saturday, May 6, 2006


Tattoo Facts & Statistics has been compiled and updated since 1999 and contains the best available data on the prevalence and occurrence of tattooing and basic information about tattoo culture. This information is shared on our web site as a public service and as a resource for those interested in tattoo culture and its study and research. Please feel free to use this information, but also please acknowledge your source, www.vanishingtattoo.com

Emerging from their often unsavoury reputation of the recent past, tattoos have gained increasing prominence in the past decade. Life magazine estimated in 1936 that 10 million Americans, or approximately 6% of the population had at least one tattoo. A recent Harris Poll, done in 2003, nearly triples those numbers and estimates that 16% of Americans now have one or more tattoos. For a complete breakdown of the numbers, see Harris Poll below:

The National Geographic News stated in April 2000 that 15% of Americans were tattooed (or approximately 40 million people!)

Esquire Magazine estimated in March 2002 that 1 in 8 Americans was tattooed

Harris Poll, 2003, estimates that fully 36% of those aged 25-29 have one or more tattoos.

According to the American Society of Dermatological Surgery, they stated in 2002 that 50% of the millions of Americans who get a tattoo eventually want it removed.

Make no mistake about it, the tattoo industry is hot property. There are an estimated 15,000 parlors operating in the United States, according to a U.S. News & World Report article (November 1996), which said, on the average, an establishment is being added in the country every day. The article ranked tattooing as the sixth fastest growing retail venture of the 1990s, right behind Internet, paging services, bagels, computer and cellular phone service

Tattoo industry spawns popular outgrowth

*Search Engine Lycos, ranks the Top 50 search terms every week. "Tattoos" was the third most popular search term in 2002, the fourth most popular search term in 2001, seventh most popular search term for the year 2000, and the eleventh most popular search term in 1999. "Tattoo and tattoos" is one of only seven search terms to never fall out of the Top 50 Search terms in the 199 weeks since Lycos has been keeping track. The other six are Dragon Ball, Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Las Vegas and the WWE/WWF.

*In July of 2002 "tattoos" reached its highest ranking ever, coming in as the number two most requested search term on the internet. "Tattoos" was requested more often than Britney Spears, marijuana or Kazaa, illustrating that skin ink is more popular than "sex, drugs and rock n' roll!"

Lycos dropped the term "tattoos" from it's Poll because the term was so popular. According to Lycos, tattoos rarely drops out of the top ten search terms requested on the Internet and Lycos dropped the term because they wanted to make room for other searches.

A Third of Americans With Tattoos Say They
Make Them Feel More Sexy

National survey of adults shows that Democrats more likely to have tattoos, but regret for getting them is highest among Republicans.

ROCHESTER, NY, Oct 8, 2003 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- A recent Harris Poll finds that 16% of all adults have at least one tattoo. The highest incidence of tattoos was found among the gay, lesbian and bisexual population (31%) and among Americans ages 25 to 29 years (36%) and 30 to 39 years (28%). Regionally, people living in the West (20%) are more likely to have tattoos.

Democrats are more likely to have tattoos (18%) than Republicans (14%) and Independents (12%) while nearly equal percentages of males (16%) and females (15%) have tattoos.

This survey was conducted online between July 14 and 20, 2003 by Harris Interactive(R) among a nationwide sample of 2,215 adults.

How do tattoos make people feel?
Among Americans with tattoos, 34% said having a tattoo has made them feel sexier. Interestingly, more tattooed females (42%) feel this way than males (25%).

Additionally, those with tattoos said that having a tattoo has made them feel more rebellious (29%) while others said a tattoo makes them feel more attractive (26%). But tattoos apparently won't do much for your intelligence or your physique, as few Americans reported that tattoos make them feel more intelligent (5%), more healthy (4%), or more athletic (3%).

How do people without tattoos feel about those with them?
Many Americans who do not have tattoos said they think that people with tattoos are less attractive (42%), less sexy (36%) and less intelligent (31%). They also think that those with tattoos are more rebellious (57%). In contrast, only 29% of those with tattoos think they are more rebellious.

Do people regret getting tattoos?
A majority of Americans with tattoos (83%) do not regret getting them, while 17% do feel regret. The survey found that regret for getting a tattoo was highest among tattooed Republicans (24%) and among those living in the South (21%). And, the reason cited most often for feeling regret about getting tattoos was "because of the person's name in the tattoo" (16%).

"How many tattoos do you currently have on your body?"
(People saying "one or more")

Base: All Adults
All Adults 16%
East 14%
Midwest 14%
South 15%
West 20%
18 - 24 13%
25 - 29 36%
30 - 39 28%
40 - 49 14%
50 - 64 10%
65 + 7%
Male 16%
Female 15%

White 16%
Black 14%
Hispanic 18%

Party I.D.
Republican 14%
Democratic 18%
Independent 12%
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual 31%

"Do you ever regret getting a tattoo?"

Base: Currently Have a Tattoo
Yes 17
No 83

"Why do you regret getting a tattoo?"

Base: Yes, Regret Getting a Tattoo
Because of the person's name in the tattoo 16
Don't like the way it looks 12
Faded/unclear over time 11
It was stupid 11
It is visible even when I don't want it to be 8
It was a rash decision 3
Got an infection/disease 2
I'm a different person now 2
Effects my job/getting a job 2


"Please complete the following sentence:"

"Compared to not having a tattoo having a tattoo has made me feel..."

Base: Currently Have a Tattoo
% More Less No Difference
Intelligent % 5 3 93
Sexy % 34 1 65
Spiritual % 20 1 79
Rebellious % 29 1 70
Attractive % 26 4 70
Athletic % 3 1 97
Healthy % 4 * 95
Strong % 16 * 84


"Please complete the following sentence:"

"Compared to people without tattoos, I think people with tattoos are..."

Base: All Without Tattoos
% More Less No Difference
Intelligent % * 31 69
Sexy % 8 36 56
Spiritual % 3 29 68
Rebellious % 57 2 41
Attractive % 4 42 54
Athletic % 4 14 82
Healthy % 1 21 78
Strong % 8 8 84


The survey was conducted online within the United States between July 14 and 20, 2003 among a nationwide cross section of 2,215 adults. Figures for age, sex, race, education and number of adults in the household were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. "Propensity score" weighting was also used to adjust for respondents' propensity to be online.

In theory, with probability samples of this size, one could say with 95 percent certainty that the results have a statistical precision of plus or minus two percentage points of what they would be if the entire adult population had been polled with complete accuracy. Unfortunately, there are several other possible sources of error in all polls or surveys that are probably more serious than theoretical calculations of sampling error. They include refusals to be interviewed (no response), question wording and question order, and weighting. It is impossible to quantify the errors that may result from these factors. This online survey is not a probability sample.

These statements conform to the principles of disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

About Harris Interactive(R)

Harris Interactive (www.harrisinteractive.com) is a worldwide market research and consulting firm best known for The Harris Poll(R), and for pioneering the Internet method to conduct scientifically accurate market research. Headquartered in Rochester, New York, U.S.A., Harris Interactive combines proprietary methodologies and technology with expertise in predictive, custom and strategic research. The Company conducts international research through wholly owned subsidiaries London based HI Europe (www.hieurope.com) and Tokyo based Harris Interactive Japan as well as through the Harris Interactive Global Network of local market and opinion research firms, and various U.S. offices. EOE M/F/D/V

To become a member of the Harris Poll Online(SM) and be invited to participate in future online surveys, visit www.harrispollonline.com.

SOURCE Harris Interactive

Nancy Wong of Harris Interactive, +1-585-214-7316,

Greenpeace: Don't Nuke Iran


I'm Donna Mattfield, a peace and disarmament campaigner with Greenpeace International in Amsterdam. I'm writing to you to ask for your help in creating a pre-emptive peace strike.

You may have read in the news recently about revelations that the United States is considering plans for a nuclear strike on Iran. I know I'm not alone in thinking this is an insane way to tell a country that it's wrong to develop nuclear weapons.

And where would these weapons come from? The type of weapons the US are including in their plans could be among those stored in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and the UK.

Join me in asking for a simple assurance from the NATO countries which host American nuclear weapons that they'll not endorse or cooperate with a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran.

When I first heard that the US still maintains 480 nuclear weapons in NATO bases in Europe I was shocked. I find it hard to comprehend that in 2006, 16 years after the cold war ended, those of us who live here are still sitting on such a dangerous legacy.

The Bush Administration can't treat Europe as a convenient parking lot for its destructive missiles. The situation in Iran brings home a very scary fact: the Bush administration could implicate independent European nations in a war that shuns diplomatic solutions and invites retaliation, with or without the consent of the countries that host those nuclear weapons.

It doesn't have to be like this. Join our campaign to eliminate the threat altogether by calling for the US to take back and dismantle its nuclear weapons from Europe and Turkey altogether, and to begin the work of creating a nuclear free zone in the Middle East. The choice is simple: a world in which everybody is threatened by nuclear weapons, or nobody is. I know which world I want to live in.

Thank you for your support,


Tanggal: May 6, 2006 1:14 PM
Judul: [WalhiNews] Re: Greenpeace: Don't Nuke Iran

Bad programmer diseases

A while back I had blogged about Bad Application Architect diseases. Well it's only fair to reverse the equation and blog about Bad programmer diseases.

1. The Fr-Agilist: A very sensitive developer who cannot tolerate any criticism of Agile methodologies, TDD or anything such. I bet the 0.002% of the industry you represent are reading my blog post in a pair, and then will switch pairs and feel compelled to illuminate me and clear the world's misconceptions about everything that seems to criticize your style.

2. ManagementSuckitis: The patient frequently feels that he can do a better management job than whoever above him, but is never given a chance to do so. He likes to intimidate his fellow team members by being a self appointed policeman, probably thinks he can write this blog post better than I am writing anyway. Also has frequent delusions to move the entire shop from either .NET to java, or from java to .NET because the other platform is better.

3. TooGoodToListenitis: A sure symptom of this disease is typing on his wifi laptop in a meeting or presentation. Usually the patient appears busier and more preoccupied than Enron's CFO. Always looks impatient because the other more important thing is waiting for his absolutely necessary attention. At times it can get hard to detect this disease in early stages. Frequent checks of asking a random question ensures the early detection of this terrible ailment.

4. RealEstateStockMarketitis: Usually occurs in patients around the age of 25 with about 3-4 years of post college experience. The sudden rush of a few ten thousand dollars in the bank prompt them to set high aims and expectations and a definite fool proof plan for retirement before the age of 30. Of course they are working here only because its a favor on us, and we should be thankful to be friends with a future Warren Buffet. Usually found shouting stock symbols over the cubicle walls - a sure shot symptom is someone who never lost a dime in the stock market. This disease frequently occurs in groups and his highly communicable with possibly dire consequences.

5. AttentiionDemandits: Patient frequently butts into a meeting to interject a completely useless and zero value add comment or question. Walks out of the meeting in full fervor at a fast pace, runs to his computer, and goes into a hotmail,gmail,cnbc,bargains.com zone before getting to .. what was the meeting about? damn I forgot - ok lets have a coffee. Patient's condition is further complicated when combined with RealEstateStockMarketitis.

6. Discussionitis: Repeated pangs of must ask a stupid question or clarification. Constantly butts into your work without knocking or an outlook appointment to ask completely stupid and downright dumb questions which if you asked him back, he would be able to answer in most cases anyway. This disease can be cured after a long and patient nurturing period, or good earplugs.

7. DemandDocumentItis: Also known is DidntGiveMeRequirementitis, this patient has the unique ability to turn the common sense switch of his head off. He will usually ask for a 250 page document for adding a small OK button to a dialog box. The document will have to be reviewed, and re-reviewed, and after multiple meetings and travails later he will put a "KO" button instead because the requirements were not clear enough


From : http://codebetter.com/blogs/sahil.malik/archive/2006/05/03/64255.aspx
Author : Sahil Malik

Monday, May 1, 2006


Ada satu pertanyaan yang masuk ke mailbox saya, yaitu "Mengapa harus minum
air putih banyak-banyak..?"
Well, sebenarnya jawabannya cukup "mengerikan" tetapi karena sebuah
pertanyaan jujur harus dijawab dengan jujur, maka topik tersebut bisa
dijelaskan sbb:

Kira-kira 80% tubuh manusia terdiri dari air.

Malah ada beberapa bagian tubuh kita yang memiliki kadar air di atas
80%.Dua organ paling penting dengan kadar air di atas 80% adalah :
Otak dan Darah. !!

Otak memiliki komponen air sebanyak 90%,
Sementara darah memiliki Komponen air 95%.

Jatah minum manusia normal sedikitnya adalah 2 liter sehari atau 8 gelas

Jumlah di atas harus ditambah bila anda seorang perokok.

Air sebanyak itu diperlukan untuk mengganti cairan yang keluar dari tubuh
kita lewat air seni, keringat, pernapasan, dan sekresi.
Apa yang terjadi bila kita mengkonsumsi kurang dari 2 liter sehari...?

Tentu tubuh akan menyeimbangkan diri. Caranya...?
Dengan jalan "menyedot" air dari komponen tubuh sendiri.Dari otak...?

Belum sampai segitunya (wihh...bayangkan otak kering gimana jadinya...),
melainkan dari sumber terdekat : Darah. !!

Darah yang disedot airnya akan menjadi kental.
Akibat pengentalan darah ini, maka perjalanannya akan kurang lancar
ketimbang yang encer.

Saat melewati ginjal (tempat menyaring racun dari darah)
Ginjal akan bekerja extra keras menyaring darah.
Dan karena saringan dalam ginjal halus, tidak jarang darah yang kental
bisa menyebabkan perobekan pada glomerulus ginjal.

Akibatnya, air seni anda berwarna kemerahan, tanda mulai bocornya saringan
ginjal. Bila dibiarkan terus menerus, anda mungkin suatu saat harus
menghabiskan 400.000 rupiah seminggu untuk cuci darah

Eh, tadi saya sudah bicara tentang otak ' kan...?

Nah saat darah kental meng alir lewat otak, perjalanannya agak terhambat.
Otak tidak lagi "encer", dan karena sel-sel otak adalah yang paling boros
mengkonsumsi makanan dan oksigen,

Lambatnya aliran darah ini bisa menyebabkan sel-sel otak cepat mati atau
tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya..(ya wajarlah namanya juga kurang

Bila ini ditambah dengan penyakit jantung (yang juga kerjanya tambah berat
bila darah mengental...),maka serangan stroke bisa lebih lekas datang

Sekarang tinggal anda pilih: melakukan "investasi" dengan minum sedikitnya
8 gelas sehari- atau- "membayar bunga" lewat sakit ginjal atau stroke.

Anda yang pilih...!

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Iptekdiskusi] Kenapa darah mengental ?
From: "Iwan Herniwan"
Date: Sat, December 9, 2006 8:14 pm
To: "Sarana Diskusi Iptek"