Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year 1430H
Hello my friend - my blog reader, happy new year. May Alloh - the only one God - bless you this year, and give strong, courage, prospherity, and most important thing - good health in peace of course. I hope we can much more care to another person beside us, or anywhere - elsewhere. Keep peace in mind, but still in radical change -innovation in mind - in business. Keep create Blue Ocean and Positive thinking - is the must.
Friday, December 5, 2008
About Nature And Symptoms of Cancer
CANCER, ITS NATURE AND SYMPTOMS. Cancer is, unfortunately, one of those desperate diseases to which the human frame is liable, and more to be dreaded than any other, inasmuch as it is insidious in its approach, and destructive to the greatest degree when it is perfectly developed. It is so intractable and malignant in its nature that it is generally considered an incurable disease; and not without reason, as notwithstanding the great increase of knowledge amongst that valuable portion of the community, the medical profession, yet it baffles all their efforts to subdue it, and sets at defiance all the triumphs of science. This disease rarely occurs in young subjects. An eminent surgeon states, that in the course of nearly forty years' extensive practice, he has seen but two instances of its occurring under 30 years of age; most usually it commences at the age of between forty and fifty years. Like many other diseases it is frequently hereditary, many members of the same family having become the subjects of cancer. It most usually attacks the female breast, the lips, particularly the lower one, the tongue, the skin, and the glandular parts about the neck and arm-pits; the stomach, the liver, the lungs, and the brain, may also become affected with this terrible malady. Sometimes it commences without any ostensible cause, and the attention of the patient is frequently directed to the case by mere accident; at other times, blows, bruises, or continued pressure upon a part, may often be traced as the exciting cause. In either case, however, it is generally found in the state of a hard lump or knot, varying in its size, it is loose and moveable, without pain or discolouration of the skin. It may continue in this state for many months, or even years; it then enlarges, the surface of the tumour becomes more or less knotty or uneven; it becomes hot and painful, and the pain is of a peculiar darting, piercing nature, or what the faculty technically call _lancinating_; and the patient's health, which had hitherto continued tolerably well, now begins to suffer from the irritation of the disease. In process of time the part ulcerates, a discharge of fetid ichorous matter issues from it; sometimes it bleeds freely, and there is a burning pain in the part. The ulcer becomes of considerable size, and assumes a frightful aspect. The patient becomes dejected in his spirits, his countenance is sallow and woe worn, his appetite fails, his days and nights are full of sorrow and pain, the disease still progresses, till, finally, death comes to the aid of the unhappy sufferer, and closes the scene of anguish and misery. Such is the progress of this appalling malady. It commences apparently in a trifling way, it terminates in destruction of life. I have said that the patients' spirits are usually dejected in this disease, and I wish this to be particularly noticed, as it points out how cautious a medical man ought to be in stating positively to the sufferer the real nature of his complaint. The mind is so depressed by the disease, that the simple communication of the fact to the patient often produces such a shock to the feelings as he rarely recovers from; indeed, it often accelerates the death of the patient, and such being the case, I am quite certain that no man of experience, judgment, or common sense, would ever commit himself so seriously. Whenever it is done, it is usually committed by some daring unprincipled empiric, who often finds it to his interest to pronounce a case cancerous when in 99 cases out of 100 it is really not so. Now, with respect to the cure of cancer, I can confidently assert, that when the disease is really cancer, when it occurs as a constitutional disease, (as it almost always does) and when it is perfectly developed, no known remedy is in existence which has the power of destroying it. It sets even the knife at defiance, for I have repeatedly seen that when the disease has been scientifically extirpated, it either returns to the same part, or to the neighbourhood of the same part, and in such cases the disease has generally proceeded in its second attack with extraordinary rapidity. I am strengthened in this assertion by the observations of Professor Monro--he says, "_Of nearly sixty cancers which I have been present at the extirpation of, only four patients remained free of the disease for two years. Three of these lucky people had occult cancers in the breast, and the fourth had an ulcerated cancer of the lip. The disease does not always return to the part where the former tumour was taken away, but more frequently in the neighbourhood, and sometimes at a considerable distance. Upon a relapse, the disease in those I saw was more violent, and made a much quicker progress than it did in others on whom no operation had been performed_."--I believe the whole medical profession are of the same opinion; in fact, those gentlemen are candid enough to acknowledge that cancer is a disease over which their art has no control. This is much to be deplored, inasmuch as it has enabled the most unprincipled characters to practise their impositions upon the unhappy sufferers with the greatest impunity. What but the most consummate impudence can allow a man to assert that he has cured a genuine cancer, when that very man does not know the nature of cancer, or point out what is, or what is not, a malignant disease? Having thus described the nature and symptoms of cancer; and having adverted to the effect of medicine upon this disease, I shall make some remarks on the treatment of the same. I have stated there is no specific remedy known for this disease; and that those who pretend to such specific are IMPOSTERS of the most dangerous description; such men will boast of "_great discoveries_;" they will sound their own trumpet and tell you that they are men of "_great skill_;" they will flourish a "_challenge to the world_;" and, in fact resort to every means to entrap the unhappy sufferer, which great impudence, unbounded ignorance, and glaring falsehoods, will enable them to do. I may also allude to the indiscretion of those who are induced, by repeated solicitations from such imposters, to allow their names to be appended to cases which are false in fact, and only calculated to promote the sordid motives of such characters. The attestators are thus led to countenance an infamous species of deception; and are equally responsible to the community for any injury which such men may inflict. Hence they ought to be extremely careful in allowing this use to be made of their names, as I cannot believe it to be their wish to countenance such practices intentionally. I have thus exposed the fallacy of such a specific for cancer, and in these remarks I am sure I shall be supported by the whole medical profession. I may now observe, that with regard to the treatment which I have adopted in cancers for the last 26 years, I am ready to confess, that it has often proved ineffectual as to a cure. During that period I have seen an immense number of cancerous cases, and I candidly avow that they have frequently disappointed my wishes, and the hopes of the patients; I, therefore, do not publish to the world a specific, because in that case I know I should be stating that which is notoriously untrue; I should be guilty of a great moral sin, blasting the hopes of those who might entrust themselves to my care, and hurrying them to their graves, full of anger, grief, and disappointment. All I can say is, that my mode of treatment is simple, and that if it do not produce a cure it will at least mitigate the sufferings of the patient. Many have left me in consequence of not getting well, they have resorted to other means, and at last returned to me again, because my mode of treatment appeared to be most suitable to the disease. When I have failed in a cure, I have succeeded in alleviating the pain and misery attendant upon such a dreadful disease, and frequently retarded its progress. I have thought proper to be thus explicit on the nature and cure of cancer, and instead of vainly boasting of my success, I have candidly expressed my opinions on the subject.
Title: Observations on the Causes, Symptoms, and Nature of Scrofula or King's Evil, Scurvy, and Cancer With Cases Illustrative of a Peculiar Mode of Treatment Author: John Kent
Warung Kopi Depan Pabrik Suzuki
Sehitam aspal jalan, sehitam kopi panas
mengingat mimpi yang tak pernah terjadi
kami harus berhitung berapa kata akan pergi
keringat tlah terkuras, dan kami harus minggir
dengar kembali merdu denting gelas beradu ramai ocehan
Merasakan nikmat kopi, merasakan asap pembuangan
kami adalah orangorang terbuang yang melayangkan angan
pada tanggal muda, terlihat wajah panas anak+istri menyambut
bibir bertanya "bawa apa?". Tapi kopi ini sudah dingin.
Mungkin sudah cukup tenggelam pekat kopi
ternyata Bos belum datang. semakin kental pekat
selubungi harapan. Oh...kami harus pesan kopi lagi.
Kami akan mengutang lagi. kami mengoceh lagi tentang harapan.
Kami berdoa "Semoga Bos menemui kami lalu bayarkan kopi ini"
Bekasi, 03112008
mengingat mimpi yang tak pernah terjadi
kami harus berhitung berapa kata akan pergi
keringat tlah terkuras, dan kami harus minggir
dengar kembali merdu denting gelas beradu ramai ocehan
Merasakan nikmat kopi, merasakan asap pembuangan
kami adalah orangorang terbuang yang melayangkan angan
pada tanggal muda, terlihat wajah panas anak+istri menyambut
bibir bertanya "bawa apa?". Tapi kopi ini sudah dingin.
Mungkin sudah cukup tenggelam pekat kopi
ternyata Bos belum datang. semakin kental pekat
selubungi harapan. Oh...kami harus pesan kopi lagi.
Kami akan mengutang lagi. kami mengoceh lagi tentang harapan.
Kami berdoa "Semoga Bos menemui kami lalu bayarkan kopi ini"
Bekasi, 03112008
dari |
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Menebak Kata Kunci Pencarian di Google
Tadi malam saya membeli buku yang berhubungan dengan internet marketing. Ada suatu pembicaraan dari penulis yang menyatakan bahwa banyak sekali keywordpencarian yang sangat populer, diantaranya adalah "How To". Benar, saya telah mencoba mengujinya dengan Google Trends. Namun bila kita mencoba masuk ke rimba kalimat How To tersebut, kayaknya kita akan berduel maut dengan How To yang sudah eksis sebelumnya, kesempatannya cukup menggelisahkan juga .. ha .. ha .. ha.
Nah bila dengan pencarian english menggunakan keyword How To, bagaimana dengan pencarian di Indonesia. Ada kemiripan juga dengan hal tersebut, yaitu kata pencarian : Langkah langkah.
Penjelasannya, banyak sekali orang yang ingin tahu bagaimana langkah-langkah semisal menghilangkan virus, atau langkah-langkah berexperiment dengan Bahan Bakar Hidrogen, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah, kini silakan mencoba memposting kata pencarian tersebut, coba kita liat hasilnya. Selamat mencoba!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Quote of Ir. Soekarno
Picked up from :
* "Thousands of parents can only dream, a youth can
change the world. "
o Quoted from the Bung Karno, Indonesia's mouthpiece People's Cindy works
* "Flower fragrant roses did not publicize it smell, with
its smell scent itself is spread around. "
o Pronounced star magic when presented to the two officers,
namely Mayor Benny Moerdani from RPKAD and to the Mayor of bin Sjamsuri
Raiders bison.
* "We have only scratched the surface"
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "The country's rich, rich, rich-highway, brothers. Big successfully shop,
Imaginate. Racketeers! Work! Racketeers! Work! We are one land
water the most beautiful in the world. "
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "And that is not pure burned dead!"
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.Terbangkelangit 08:12, 16
February 2008 (UTC)
* "Public is the result of history," the makers of history! "
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "Do not leave at once-history."
o One title his speech. Shortened to be JASMERAH.
* This world, where is your chest? If the Malaysian economy would like confrontation, we
face confrontation with the economy. If Malaysia want confrontation
politics, we face a political confrontation. If you'd like Malaysia
military confrontation, we face a confrontation with the military
* "And who I call the proletariat?
I called every Marhaen is the impoverished people of Indonesia
or more precisely: that each has poored by capitalism,
imprealisme and colonialism. "
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.
* "Proletariat consists of three elements:
First: Elements proletarian folk Indonesia (labor) Second: Elements peasantry
Indonesia's protracted, and Third: impoverished people of Indonesia that other "
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.
* "And who is my intention with the nation Marhaenis? The Marhaenis
each fighter is a patriot and every nation. Who organized the
millions of the proletariat, and the co-workers with the same mass
Marhaen trying to subvert the system of capitalism, imprealisme,
colonialism, and
Together with the mass Marhaen to drudge
State and community building, a strong, happy safe, fair and
prosperous. "
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.
* Is Lenin when he established the Russian Soviet countries have been independent
Dnepprprostoff have, and that most major rivers in Dneppr? What he
have the radio station that menyundul to space? What he has
have a car-train enough to cover the entire country Russia?
Is every person at the time the Russian Lenin establish Soviet-Russian
independence has been able to read and write? No, monsieur, that Mr.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Indonesia's independence, political Independence, politieke
onafhankelijkheid, and not others is not a bridge!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* When the nation has been able to maintain his country with
own blood, the flesh itself, when the nation is
has been ripe for independence. If our nation, Indonesia, although
with spiked bamboos, brothers, all ready dead
defend our motherland Indonesia, when the nation
is ready, ripe for independence.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* If each of the 70 million it first must
independent in the heart, before we achieve political Independence,
I repeat again, until dissolved Sure we can not Indonesia
free! In independent India that we liberate the people
we! In independent India that we liberate the nation of heart
we! In Saudi Arabia independent, Ibn Saud Arabia liberate the people
one by one. In the Soviet-Russian independent Stalin liberate hearts
Russian-Soviet nations one by one.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Across the bridge, this is the golden bridge, the new Europe, we prepare
Indonesian society that plucky independent, strong, healthy, lasting and eternal.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* No matter the people can read or not, some people do not care
economic or not, does not care about the people stupid or smart, original
according to international law have the conditions of a country
independent, namely the people there, and there is no world of government,
independent review it.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Do we want a sovereign nation Indonesia the capitalist of rampant,
Or that all the people prosperous, that all people eat enough,
enough clothes, living in welfare, feel on held by ibu Pertiwi
That give enough food and clothing to him?
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Independence is reached and owned by the nation's soul
flame with a flaming-determination 'Freedom, freedom or death'!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Brothers named a national folk here, and
Brothers, who called the nation of Islam, have all been agreement that
not the country that we have that goal. we want
establish a State 'all make all'. Not a single person, not
create a group, both classes of grandee, and among the rich,
but 'all make all'.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* We establish the state of Indonesia, which we must all support it.
All of all! Indonesia is not a Christian, not Islamic groups
Indonesia to make, not make Hadikoesoemo Indonesia, not to make the Van Eck
Indonesia, Nitisemito not make the rich Indonesia, but Indonesia
Indonesia created, all to all!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* State of the Republic of Indonesia is not owned by the group, not
something religious property, not owned by the tribe, not the property of something
among customs, but we all belong to the S
o Source: Sukarno, "Speech in Bangkok, 24 September 1955''
* "Brothers and the entourage: Open eyes, eyes Go! Open brain! Open
ear! Note, a note! Consider the situation and wherever
may seek lessons from this case all, so that relatives
brothers can take it in our work to build a giant
Country Land and Water ".
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
NATIONAL / nationalism
* National Indonesia round! Java is not nationality, not
Sumatra nationality, not the nationality of Borneo, Sulawesi, Bali, or
others, but the nationality of Indonesia, which together a basic
one nationale staat.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Internationalisme can not live fertile, if not rooted in the
buminya in nationalism. Nationalism can not live fertile, if
do not live in the park extract internationalism.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* "If you want to become one nation greater, you want to become the nation
who have the will to work, should also have
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "Imagination", "Imagination" Imagination "! The creation of large! We
that can be used to create large temples such as Borobudur, and
Prambanan, made of stone, which until now has not been destroyed; now
we have become a nation of small soul, brothers!
A nation that is going dicandra-cengkala in the moon-cengkala
the fall of Majapahit, sirna lost kertaning earth! Kertaning lost ground
, Is lost at all. Become a nation of small, one nation
monument "rong fathom"
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* If we find a democracy should not western democracy, but
"permusyawaratan" which gives hdup, namely, the political economische democratie
that is able to bring social welfare! The people of Indonesia have
long talk about this. What is the Queen's Fair? That
Meant to understand the social Ratu Adil is rechtvaardigheid. People
want prosperous. People who feel themselves was less eat less
clothing, creating a new world in which there dalmnya justice, under the
Fair-chairman of the Queen.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* If on a day Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo for example, a
Head of State, and mangkat, died, not his son, Ki
Hadikoesoemo by itself, automatically become a substitute Ki
Hadikoesoemo. So therefore I do not agreement to the principles
the monarchy.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
Mutual assistance
* Kekeluargaan is understood that a static, but mutual help
describe a business, a charity, a job, which is called
Dear members Soekardjo one karyo, one gawe.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Gotong is cooperate with the bones, extortion perspiration
together, struggle together with help-help. Charity to make the interests of all
all, happiness for all the sweat all. Ho-lopis-line make-heron
with interest!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* 'That man in the world, brothers, "Basic" - on the basis of
and substance - is the same; no different to one another. And because
This is the man that must be considered '
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
translated with Google Translator (99%).
* "Thousands of parents can only dream, a youth can
change the world. "
o Quoted from the Bung Karno, Indonesia's mouthpiece People's Cindy works
* "Flower fragrant roses did not publicize it smell, with
its smell scent itself is spread around. "
o Pronounced star magic when presented to the two officers,
namely Mayor Benny Moerdani from RPKAD and to the Mayor of bin Sjamsuri
Raiders bison.
* "We have only scratched the surface"
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "The country's rich, rich, rich-highway, brothers. Big successfully shop,
Imaginate. Racketeers! Work! Racketeers! Work! We are one land
water the most beautiful in the world. "
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "And that is not pure burned dead!"
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.Terbangkelangit 08:12, 16
February 2008 (UTC)
* "Public is the result of history," the makers of history! "
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "Do not leave at once-history."
o One title his speech. Shortened to be JASMERAH.
* This world, where is your chest? If the Malaysian economy would like confrontation, we
face confrontation with the economy. If Malaysia want confrontation
politics, we face a political confrontation. If you'd like Malaysia
military confrontation, we face a confrontation with the military
* "And who I call the proletariat?
I called every Marhaen is the impoverished people of Indonesia
or more precisely: that each has poored by capitalism,
imprealisme and colonialism. "
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.
* "Proletariat consists of three elements:
First: Elements proletarian folk Indonesia (labor) Second: Elements peasantry
Indonesia's protracted, and Third: impoverished people of Indonesia that other "
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.
* "And who is my intention with the nation Marhaenis? The Marhaenis
each fighter is a patriot and every nation. Who organized the
millions of the proletariat, and the co-workers with the same mass
Marhaen trying to subvert the system of capitalism, imprealisme,
colonialism, and
Together with the mass Marhaen to drudge
State and community building, a strong, happy safe, fair and
prosperous. "
o Speech written PJM President Sukarno in the Conference on the Great GMNI
Kaliurang Jogjakarta, 17 February 1959.
* Is Lenin when he established the Russian Soviet countries have been independent
Dnepprprostoff have, and that most major rivers in Dneppr? What he
have the radio station that menyundul to space? What he has
have a car-train enough to cover the entire country Russia?
Is every person at the time the Russian Lenin establish Soviet-Russian
independence has been able to read and write? No, monsieur, that Mr.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Indonesia's independence, political Independence, politieke
onafhankelijkheid, and not others is not a bridge!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* When the nation has been able to maintain his country with
own blood, the flesh itself, when the nation is
has been ripe for independence. If our nation, Indonesia, although
with spiked bamboos, brothers, all ready dead
defend our motherland Indonesia, when the nation
is ready, ripe for independence.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* If each of the 70 million it first must
independent in the heart, before we achieve political Independence,
I repeat again, until dissolved Sure we can not Indonesia
free! In independent India that we liberate the people
we! In independent India that we liberate the nation of heart
we! In Saudi Arabia independent, Ibn Saud Arabia liberate the people
one by one. In the Soviet-Russian independent Stalin liberate hearts
Russian-Soviet nations one by one.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Across the bridge, this is the golden bridge, the new Europe, we prepare
Indonesian society that plucky independent, strong, healthy, lasting and eternal.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* No matter the people can read or not, some people do not care
economic or not, does not care about the people stupid or smart, original
according to international law have the conditions of a country
independent, namely the people there, and there is no world of government,
independent review it.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Do we want a sovereign nation Indonesia the capitalist of rampant,
Or that all the people prosperous, that all people eat enough,
enough clothes, living in welfare, feel on held by ibu Pertiwi
That give enough food and clothing to him?
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Independence is reached and owned by the nation's soul
flame with a flaming-determination 'Freedom, freedom or death'!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Brothers named a national folk here, and
Brothers, who called the nation of Islam, have all been agreement that
not the country that we have that goal. we want
establish a State 'all make all'. Not a single person, not
create a group, both classes of grandee, and among the rich,
but 'all make all'.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* We establish the state of Indonesia, which we must all support it.
All of all! Indonesia is not a Christian, not Islamic groups
Indonesia to make, not make Hadikoesoemo Indonesia, not to make the Van Eck
Indonesia, Nitisemito not make the rich Indonesia, but Indonesia
Indonesia created, all to all!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* State of the Republic of Indonesia is not owned by the group, not
something religious property, not owned by the tribe, not the property of something
among customs, but we all belong to the S
o Source: Sukarno, "Speech in Bangkok, 24 September 1955''
* "Brothers and the entourage: Open eyes, eyes Go! Open brain! Open
ear! Note, a note! Consider the situation and wherever
may seek lessons from this case all, so that relatives
brothers can take it in our work to build a giant
Country Land and Water ".
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
NATIONAL / nationalism
* National Indonesia round! Java is not nationality, not
Sumatra nationality, not the nationality of Borneo, Sulawesi, Bali, or
others, but the nationality of Indonesia, which together a basic
one nationale staat.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Internationalisme can not live fertile, if not rooted in the
buminya in nationalism. Nationalism can not live fertile, if
do not live in the park extract internationalism.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* "If you want to become one nation greater, you want to become the nation
who have the will to work, should also have
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* "Imagination", "Imagination" Imagination "! The creation of large! We
that can be used to create large temples such as Borobudur, and
Prambanan, made of stone, which until now has not been destroyed; now
we have become a nation of small soul, brothers!
A nation that is going dicandra-cengkala in the moon-cengkala
the fall of Majapahit, sirna lost kertaning earth! Kertaning lost ground
, Is lost at all. Become a nation of small, one nation
monument "rong fathom"
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
* If we find a democracy should not western democracy, but
"permusyawaratan" which gives hdup, namely, the political economische democratie
that is able to bring social welfare! The people of Indonesia have
long talk about this. What is the Queen's Fair? That
Meant to understand the social Ratu Adil is rechtvaardigheid. People
want prosperous. People who feel themselves was less eat less
clothing, creating a new world in which there dalmnya justice, under the
Fair-chairman of the Queen.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* If on a day Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo for example, a
Head of State, and mangkat, died, not his son, Ki
Hadikoesoemo by itself, automatically become a substitute Ki
Hadikoesoemo. So therefore I do not agreement to the principles
the monarchy.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
Mutual assistance
* Kekeluargaan is understood that a static, but mutual help
describe a business, a charity, a job, which is called
Dear members Soekardjo one karyo, one gawe.
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* Gotong is cooperate with the bones, extortion perspiration
together, struggle together with help-help. Charity to make the interests of all
all, happiness for all the sweat all. Ho-lopis-line make-heron
with interest!
o Source: Sukarno, in his BPUPKI, June 1, 1945
* 'That man in the world, brothers, "Basic" - on the basis of
and substance - is the same; no different to one another. And because
This is the man that must be considered '
o Preschool Speech Bung Karno in Semarang, 29 July 1956
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